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  • "I'm so busy.... I don't know if I found a rope... or lost my donkey! - Unknown"
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Power of Prayer

When I was little, I had a dog named Buddy. I also happened to be a big "Little House on the Praire" fan. In one of the early episodes her dog, Jack, gets lost. She prays to God, and her dog comes home.

Well, my dog Buddy, had gotten the mange. It was the kind that can't be cured. My Mom couldn't decided what to do. She couldn't stand the thought of having him put to sleep. So she took him way out in the country and let him loose. She thought it was more humane than killing him.

I was in Kindergarten at the time, and they told me he ran away. It was years later before I found out what had really happened to him.

Anyway, I set in praying for that dog every single night. I clearly remember ending every prayer with "Bless all the animals, and please bring my dog Buddy back home."

I came home from Kindergarten several months later, and guess what was standing on our front porch? A bald dog!!!! I firmly believed that I had prayed that dog home, and it was my first taste of the power of prayer.

We kept him after that and treated his mange. It was never completely cured, but we had him for several more years before he died.

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