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  • "I'm so busy.... I don't know if I found a rope... or lost my donkey! - Unknown"
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hateful Butterflies

You can tell that I have already parented a plethora of kids, because the school Spring and Christmas concerts aren't fun any more!!! We have grades K thru 4 together. You can look out across the crowd and see the bring shining faces of parents who have kindergartners in the program for the first time. The rest of the parents are tired, sleepy, playing on cell phones or fighting squirmy kids.

But anyway...it's not too fun for me any more. This year the girls had to dress up as insects. Granny bailed me out by bringing materials to make butterfly wings. She and the girls carefully cut out wings and decorated them with pretties. We even made some extras that they shared with kids who didn't have any.

So the night of the concert we get ready to go, and Carlie is mad about something and she is pouting horribly. Then Madi can't find her shoes. We are all waiting in the car and she's bawling on the steps because she can't find her shoes.

I had wanted to take their picture together so that Granny could see what beautiful butterflies she'd made. But what I got was one pouting and one bawling. I told them "You guys are the most hateful butterflies I've ever seen!!!" Carlie just looks at me and says with this incredulous look on her face "Did you just call me a hateful butterfly????" Ummm...yep....yep, I did.

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