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  • "I'm so busy.... I don't know if I found a rope... or lost my donkey! - Unknown"
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life of a Coach's Wife

Monday night - Junior Varsity Game

Tuesday night - Booster Club

Wednesday night - MIGHT make it to church if there aren't any parents that want to talk to him.

Thursday night - Jr High Game. My son is on the team, but he'd go anyway.

Friday night - High School Game

Saturday - Review Film with kids. Work with Coachs for game plan for next week.

Sunday - Church in the morning, watch film at home in the evening.

When you feel like screaming at the Coach from the stands....remember that his wife and kids are probably nearby listening. Remember that they hardly seem him at all during the season. Remember that he gets paid about 50 cents an hour when you count up all the time he puts in.

I once went the High School Football Coaches' Hall of Fame banquet. The inductees got to give a speech. I don't remember this guy's name but he said

"...and I want to thank my wife. Because she raised our kids while I raised everyone elses" Sooooo true.

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