Favorite Quotes

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  • "I'm so busy.... I don't know if I found a rope... or lost my donkey! - Unknown"
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

September Quotes

Ommission or Commision - the end result is the same - DarkFever - Karen Marie Moning

Remember, a river is one of the most powerful things on earth. When a river encounters a boulder, it goes over it, around it, under it. And over time that boulder is reduced to pebbles and washes to the sea. The same is true of organizational behavior and change. - Kirk Swilley

In times of difficulty, you may feel that your problems will go on and on, but they won't. Every mountain has a top. Every problem has a life span. The question is, who is going to give in first, the frustration or you? – Dr. Robert H. Schuller.

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