Favorite Quotes

  • ***********************************************
  • "I'm so busy.... I don't know if I found a rope... or lost my donkey! - Unknown"
  • ***************************************************

Monday, November 16, 2009

Family Nursery Rhymes

These were rhymes my Mom taught me when I was little. I've never seen them in any Nursery Books :0)

I'm just a little girl...with just a little figure.
Go away boys....til I get a little bigger.

When I was a little girl..about this High.
Mommy'd take a little switch and make me cry.
But now I'm a big girl, and Momma cain't do it.
So Daddy takes a big switch and hops right to it.

Ooey Gooey was a worm,
a mighty worm was he.
He climbed upon the rail road tracks,
the train he did not see.
Oooooey Gooooey.

Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear,
Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very Fuzzy...was he.


Adult says *Who fired that shot?*
Child says *I fired it...I fired it*
(Play on words..often comes out *I farted...I farted*)


How many chucks could a woodchuck Chuck.
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.


My Momma told me...if I was goody,
that she would by me...a rubber dolly.
My Auntie told her...I kissed a soldier,
now she won't buy me...a rubber dolly.

3, 6, 9...the goose drank wine,
the monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line.
The line broke and the monkey got choked,
and they all went to heaven in a little row boat.
Putt Putt.


I'm sorry little playmate,
I can't come out and play.
My Dolly has the flu,
Boo Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo.

Climb up my rainbow,
slide down my cellar door,
And we'll be best of friends,
for ever, more, more...
More, more, more, more.

Bumbely, Bumbely, Bumbely Buck,
How many fingers do I have up?

Coca Cola went to town.
Pepsi Cola knocked him down.
Dr. Pepper fixed him up,
and now he's drinking 7-Up.


Hi, My name is Joe.
I have a wife and three kids,
and I work in a button factory.
One day my boss came to me,
and said *Joe, are you busy?*
I said *No*
He said *Turn the button with your right hand*

(Make button turning motion...repeat with both arms legs, head, etc)

Then end with:

Hi, My name is Joe.
I have a wife and three kids,
and I work in a button factory.
One day my boss came to me,
and said *Joe, are you busy?*
I said *Yes*

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